April 22, 2013

Induction day

Yesterday was a big day for my husband Tim. He was inducted as the Rector of Little Trinity (Trinity East). I have to admit, I am not an Anglican by birth so I had no idea of the importance of such an event. I got a dress on and attempted to get the boys as clean as possible (promptly ruined when I allowed them to play at the park before the service), I packed snacks for them and both had 'entertainment bags' to keep them occupied through the service. I dosed up on caffeine before hand and was 'ready' and at the church early. What greeted me was a surprise and an overwhelming appreciation of the wider church community. As I sat outside the church letting the boys play at the park and blow off steam before asking them to sit for a couple of hours of church I watched as face after face of old and new friends came pouring our of their cars and walked into Little T. I was so surprised by the amount of people who came. I had figured on a few friends, family and of course the clergy that were supposed to come but I wasn't expecting a full house. The service started with some of the most amazing worship I have had the pleasure of being involved in. There was the formal stuff (handing over of keys and such) prayers and then Tim was introduced as the new Rector. As Tims wife I was asked by the Bishop to join Tim at the front for this introduction and I am so glad I didn't balk at the opportunity. I have never been so proud of Tim as I was in that moment, when a standing room only Little T all started with first applause and then quickly replaced by a standing ovation. I struggled not to get weepy as all these people stood and filled the room with their applause and appreciation of Tim as their new Rector. What an honour for Tim!

Changing churches in the face of this new development in our family has been hard, knowing that he faces challenges at work and now at home I have struggled to support him and I have to be honest, I have missed the people who have walked us through these types of hard times before. The people who were there with us when Joshua was born, who prayed us through every single obstacle that we have faced with Josh from diagnosis to subsequent surgeries. Yesterday, as we stood at the front of that church I looked out and I saw all those faces, and the faces of all the new family that will uphold us as we face the future together. It's a busy time for us, not only as a family but also as a church under new leadership but yesterday there was no doubt that we are exactly where God wants us, and that God was there celebrating with us as a larger church family. To say it was awesome is an understatement!

Thank you to all who attended and made the day so special for Tim, and by association me. We are again reminded of the tremendous blessings that fill our lives on a daily basis. It's a new day at Little T and I am so excited to see the plans that God has in store for this amazing church!

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