April 27, 2013

6 years ago

6 years ago tonight I was preparing to marry the love of my life, my best friend and greatest blessing. There were no nerves, just a pure and boundless joy that can't be described. When I think back it seems like we have always been together, I can't fathom a life without him in it. He has made me smile, stretch as a person and grow into the woman I am today.

We have travelled a long and rock filled path together and yet instead of creating a chasm between us it has only brought us closer together. He held my hand 6 years ago and promised to love me, to cherish me and stand beside me until death do us part. It hasn't been easy, there have been some tough times but he's never wavered, he's been a rock when I was on shifting ground and he's done his best to shelter me from the winds that rock our world. If you read back to my new years posts over the years you will quickly see how his life has blessed mine, how his strength and wisdom has enabled me to be a better person. His integrity and loyalty have brought out the best in me as a wife, mother and woman. There has never been a single moment, not before our wedding or after that I didn't know that God has brought this amazing man into my life as a gift I should cherish, respect and love for the rest of my days.

6 years ago, not very long in the grand scheme of things, but full of a lifetime of love, laughter and even tears. As I think back to that day I am fully aware of how blessed we are to have each other, to love each other. As we stand and face the uncertainty of our futures, of the future of our children I know that we will have more tears, we will hurt, and we will fear, but I also have no doubts that there will be more laughter, more joy and more blessings.

I watch him father our children, guiding them, playing with them and enjoying the quiet moments of being in their company I know that there is no man who could better father these children, who can raise them the way that I would want them raised, no man who could fill our lives with the quality of love that he does.

Our lives, one life, joined together is the first miracle of our family. As the years unfold before us it gives me great hope that we have many more miracles to come.

Happy Anniversary Tim. You are my best friend, the love of my life and one of the best men I know. You are an incredible Dad, a gifted and devoted Pastor but more than any of that you are an awesome husband. My love for you has grown so much in the last 6 years, you have made me believe that God hears my prayers more fully than I ever dreamed, and through you I have learned of his great love for me. Thank you for loving me the way that you do, for dealing with all my faults and for your bounty of patience for me.

All my love, forever.

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