May 24, 2012

Never say never!

I know a woman, who has three kids, one born with an affliction that she was told would mean he would never talk, never be potty trained or be able to live alone. He would always need help. That same young man just graduated with honors from a french immersion school, and has received scholarships to two Universities. He has the world by the tail, he is heading off to be an engineer! This success didn't come without cost. The mother has worked tirelessly with her son, she has struggled, fought for him, taught him, and his success goes to her as well.

When I heard this story, (just this past month), my heart filled with renewed hope. If he can do it, if this mother can do it, then why can't I? Why can't I be the kind of mother who works tirelessly to teach, help and fight for her son? Why can't Josh learn to talk properly? Why can't Josh one day have the world at his feet too? Who says he can't be anything he wants to be? (Even maybe one day an athlete?). Did you know that Jonas Gustavvson of the Toronto Maples Leafs is a CHD patient? Josh might just one day bring that Stanley Cup home for me after all! :)

What is worth having or acheiving is worth fighting for, worth working for. I want so much for Josh. I want him to know no bounds. I want him to talk with no struggles, I want him to play without fatigue, I want him to do all the things that kids his age can do. I believe he wants that too. So, with sword in hand, with armor on, I continue the fight. Like I said, it's worth the work, worth the fight. He is worth the work and worth the fight. I look forward to the day I stand up with tears in my eyes and smile on my face and cheer for him as he takes his diploma in hand and marches off to his future!

Nothing is impossible.

My Facebook status yesterday read: When they tell you it's impossible... when they say it will never happen... when they say 'give up'... STAND UP and fight back! It's never impossible and it CAN happen! You are just the first to do it!

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