April 25, 2012

You're already amazing

You're Already Amazing! Great title to a good book! I was asked to read this and review it, and I have to tell you that I was late on the due date because it's a book that requires time, thought and in my case... even more thought. It's a hand book of sorts and it's given me lots of things to ponder and work to change. What sins drive you to believe you are less than amazing? Why do you live your life afraid to hear the truth of what God thinks of you? These are some of the tough questions you need to work through if you are ready to embark on this journey. Holley Gerth takes you through the stages of discovering who you are and walks with you as you discover who God created you to be. It's not always an easy path, as I myself have discovered. She asks some hard questions, like 'What hinders you' and then she takes you through the steps to discovering how to break free from the hold it has on you. I won't go into my hindrances, but let me assure you that I discovered many and though a book can't make me 'better' it has certainly opened my eyes to a possible life change.

This book is clear, it's well written and it will take proper time to really work it through. Written for women, it speaks to the issues we face as women of the world, and it offers the pieces to discover how truly amazing we are, and how amazing God thinks we are. Truly worth the time invested! She even offered a great recipe for some delicious chocolate oreo truffles that I found time to make last week that were FANTASTIC! Yummy stuff I promise!

So I propose this... if you are a woman, in need of encouragement and change, if you are longing to know yourself better, to find more fulfillment in your relationships, to discover what God has planned for you and to learn what your next step should be,  then get this book, make the truffles (page 50) and then sit back and dig in. You will not put this book down unchanged!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group". 

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